Saturday, September 15, 2007


“RATED PG” Thursday, 13 September 2007
By Ike Señeres


In this column, I am starting a new series about public governance, a subject that is very close to my heart. The subject of this column will of course change from one issue to another, but the format will always be the same, and that is the presentation of a problem, the offering of a solution and the analysis of the synthesis.
Depending on the material that is available to me, I will write about public governance as it happens in the national, provincial and municipal levels. For purposes of uniformity, I will refer to both towns and cities as municipalities. Of course, I will also write about public governance in the village level, but always in the context of municipal governance.
If you are wondering about the meaning of “Rated PG”, it is just short for public governance, together with a suggestion that I am going to rate the performance of governments based on empirical data. As much as possible, I am going to base my ratings on data that is also submitted by all government levels, from bottom to top.
How should a local government unit (LGU) deal with the problem of solid wastes? Hands down, there is no argument about the fact that dumpsites are not sustainable, and that landfills are hardly doable, at least in this country. As of now, there appears to be no landfill hereabouts that would meet acceptable standards.
I found a solution at that is to privatize the waste segregation, turning it into a viable business. As a bonus, it will also create livelihood, improve the environment and prevent the spread of common diseases.
In the same way that landfills are hardly doable, we have seen many times that waste segregation at the household level is not doable either, apparently due to the lack of discipline among our citizens. This situation could change in the long run, but in the meantime, we need another solution that would bring us to a zero waste situation.
For more information about public governance, email


Blogger Mind Bullet said...

This paper presents a communication briefing on how a senator can generate public support for the water crisis issue.

Mind Bullet Briefing Paper: Communicating the Philippine Water Crisis as a Defining National Issue for Candidates Running for the 2008 Presidential elections

I. Rationale
Defining moments are very important in capturing the imagination, hearts, minds of the people to genuinely entrust leadership. Through conscious efforts and expected historical milestones, defining moments can be laid out as a story line leading to a positive perception or conclusion. Defining moments establish how the market (electorate) will perceive and decide what to do with the product (politician). Simply put, defining moments in history will determine the market positioning of candidates running for President in 2008.

More at:

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