Sunday, February 24, 2008


In my previous column, I wrote that the Citizen’s Foundation for the Prevention of Crime and Injustice (CFPCI), the University Consortium for Resource Networking (UNICORN) and the Inter-Charity Network (ICN) have banded together to form the United National Integrated Development Alliance (UNIDA).


I also wrote that the CFPCI will work for the improvement of peace and order by helping lawmakers and enforcers, the UNICORN will work for the improvement of education and training by helping universities and schools, and the ICN will work for the improvement of livelihood by helping jobseekers and entrepreneurs.


Having established the umbrella organizations for “Peace” (P), “Education” (E) and “Livelihood” (L), we are now in the process of establishing two more umbrella organizations, one for “Health” (H) and another one for “Shelter” (S). This will complete all the umbrella organizations for the five major programs of UNIDA, namely “Health”, “Education”, “Livelihood”, “Peace” and “Shelter” (HELPS).


Admittedly, there are many other programs that have to be incorporated into the process of integrated development, but as of now, we are only ready to intervene in the five major programs that we have already identified. In the future, as we gain more experience, we could consider adding more programs.


We have identified “Health” as a logical area of intervention, because we believe that our experience in consolidating universities and schools through UNICORN could immediately be used also in consolidating hospitals and clinics into a health consortium. Hopefully, this will take shape through the creation of the United National Health Association (UNAHEALTH). We identified “Shelter” as another area of intervention, because we have acquired new technologies that will enable us to lower housing costs. In line with this, we also hope to use the vacant lands of CFPCI for housing.


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