Recent scientific studies show that microplastics are now found not only in seafood, but also in other food sources such as pork, beef and chicken. These findings are significant, because now we know that not only marine life is contaminated, but terrestrial life is also contaminated.
This is a very serious matter because if microplastics are found in almost everything that we eat, what can we now eat that is not contaminated? Have we come to a point where we no longer have a choice of what we can eat, because everything is contaminated? Since we cannot stop eating these contaminated foods, what can we do now?
I hope that it is not yet too late already, but there is something that we can all do. We can all start collecting and recycling all plastic waste products that we could get our hands on, so that these will no longer end up in our dumpsites, landfills, rivers, lakes and wherever plastic waste can end up, even in our own backyards.
Aside from collecting and recycling, we need a stronger and better Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that could detect even the smallest microplastics, by using the most powerful supercomputers that we can find. Years ago, I offered to find such a supercomputer for FDA, but they declined my offer by telling me that they are already planning to buy one. I do not know if they were able to buy one, but that is exactly what we need now. IKE SENERES/09088877282/01-16-2024
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