Saturday, January 06, 2024


Everything that we do now, affects climate change, including eating our food, riding a car or taking a shower. Each one of us is just one person in a planet that is populated by billions of people, but the choices that we make affect everyone in the planet, including our own families, whether we like it or not. But can you believe that choosing between eating beef and eating chevon (goat meat) can actually impact on climate change? In an ideal world, climate change could slow down if only everyone would stop eating beef and start eating chicken or fish instead. But since not everyone can do that, we should just expand our choices. In comparison, goats produce slightly more methane than cows, but on the other hand, goats hugely produce less CO2 than cows. Although that would seem like a close tie, goats would come out better in the green scale, because they require less water and less grazing land, meaning less trees to cut in the Amazon or elsewhere. But then again, methane has good uses too, and one way to put it to good use is to convert it to biogas. I know of a big corporate farm that is already making extra money by earning carbon credits simply by using animal waste to power their electricity needs. The more animal waste means more free electric power. In the overall analysis, I would say that chevon is a better choice than beef, because lower income farmers can raise goats easier. IKE SENERES/09088877282/01-06-2024


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