Monday, January 01, 2024


They used to be called prisoners, now they are called “People Deprived of Liberty” (PDLs). Similar to those who used to be called handicapped, but are now called “People with Disabilities” (PWD). Supposedly, PDLs should only refer to those who have been convicted, but there is a lot of confusion now, because the term is also to refer to those who are detained, meaning those who are not yet convicted. Even if we believe in the notion that justice should be fair and equal to all, suspects are still detained, many of them indefinitely, simply because they could not post bail. Either that, or they could not get a lawyer right away, even a public attorney, because of shortages perhaps. And once they are detained, they stay longer in the jails because of hearing cancellations and the unavailability of judges. The irony is, some of them who are convicted may have to be released right away, because in effect they have already spent the maximum sentence of the crime committed. We hear so much about the overpopulation in our prisons and jails, but we do not seem to hear much about the implementation of probation and parole protocols. I am sure that if these two are implemented, our prisons and jails will be decongested. There is also a technology now to use electronic devices to keep track prisoners and detainees who are released on probation or parole. It has a built-in tracker and alarm system that really works. IKE SENERES/09088877282/01-01-24


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