Wednesday, February 14, 2024


We hear so much about “jeepney consolidation” but I think that instead of focusing on that, we should focus on “cooperative formation”, and by that, I mean the formation or the strengthening of transport cooperatives. To me, that sounds like a cause-and-effect relationship, and by that, I mean that cooperativism should be the cause, and consolidation should be the effect. Long before the idea of “jeepney consolidation” came along, there are many transport cooperatives already, and many of them already own and operate jeepney units. As the saying goes, “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it”. And by that, I mean that we should have just encouraged the adoption of more jeepney units, but owned and managed by transport cooperatives. Strictly speaking, it does not even have to be transport coops at all, because it can just be any cooperative that is already selling all kinds of products and services, and all they have to do is to add jeepney operation as another service. That is so simple and easy to do, and any coop can do that. I am wondering why the jeepney drivers have to be forced to go into consolidation, if it is going to be profitable to them, meaning that they can make more money out of it. And if they can be offered friendly and affordable financing packages, there should be no need to force them also to buy in. but the good news is, many coops can afford to finance their own projects, if and when profitable. IKE SENERES/02-15-2024


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