Thursday, April 25, 2024


STUNTING AND MALNUTRITION Obviously, there is a symbiotic relationship between stunting and malnutrition. To be clear, malnutrition does not necessarily result in stunting. In theory, stunting affects only infants and younger children who are malnourished, or are extremely malnourished, in other words. Also in theory, juveniles and adults are no longer prone to stunting. It is important to know the difference between stunting and malnutrition, and to know the difference between infants and adults, so that we can isolate what the problem really is. When the problem could be isolated, then the government would know how much money to allocate, to provide nutrition, that is the only solution to stunting. How can life be fair if the growth of children is stunted starting from their infancy? How can these children even compete with other children in the schools, when they have a serious handicap in the first place? Since we know that most of these children are born out of poverty, we could almost be sure that they have no other way to go but down to even deeper poverty. As soon as possible, the government should create a database of stunted children, so that we will know who they are, where they are, and how many there are. Right away, the LGUs should be mobilized to solve this problem right away at the local level. IKE SENERES/04-26-2024


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