Monday, May 20, 2024


LET’S REQUIRE HUNGER MAPPING Tax mapping using Geographic Information System (GIS) software is no longer rocket science, because anyone can do it now, and there are Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) versions that are available for this purpose. Aside from that, anyone with basic Management Information System (MIS) training can easily do it. Aside from tax mapping, the same GIS software can also be used for town planning, hazard mapping and traffic mapping, among other applications. And if there is already a GIS software license that is available to the user, no other expenses are needed, other than some minor software integration and customization expenses. What that also means is that the same GIS software could also be used for poverty mapping and hunger mapping. These two mapping projects are inter-related with each other, because those who are living in poverty are usually prone to experience involuntary hunger. National Government Agencies (NGAs) and Local Government Units (LGUs) are supposed to have Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that could measure their success or failure in whatever it is that they are supposed to do. The problem is, there is no regular reporting of these KPIs to the public, and there is no apparent use of GIS. It is time that GIS-based hunger mapping should be used. IKE SENERES/5-21-24


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