Wednesday, May 08, 2024


OPEN GOVERNMENT APPROACH The Philippines is a member of Open Government Partnership (OGP), an international organization of 75 countries that is dedicated to transform how government serves its citizens. It is a partnership of government leaders and civil society advocates. It aims to combine the forces of these two sides to promote transparent, participatory, inclusive and accountable governance. OGP Philippines claims that “the country has remained steadfast in its commitment in energizing civic spaces and public participation, enhancing inclusive digital revolution, amplifying discourses on anti-corruption, and strengthening transparency and accountability reforms”. From the time that it was founded in 2011 however, it seems to be lagging in implementing its goals. My idea of “open governance” is inspired by the way that President Magsaysay opened Malacañang to all citizens, such that they could enter the Palace grounds even if they are just wearing slippers, shorts and undershirts. No need for appointments, protocols and dress codes. Fast forward to today, “open governance” should mean that anybody should be able to access the Palace using any available means such as voice calls, texts, emails, chats and social media, and be able to get an immediate response, and preferably not from a chatbot. IKE SENERES/05-09-2024


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