Tuesday, July 09, 2024


SMALL HARVESTS INTEGRATED PROMOTION SYSTEM Many rural farmers are producing small amounts of assorted crops that are not plentiful enough to meet the volume requirements of traders and buyers. Of course, these rural farmers could cook these crops for their own home consumption, but more often than not, there is still a surplus that they could neither consume nor sell. This is also a problem for urban gardeners, who almost always would end up with a surplus that they could neither eat nor sell. In the case of the rural farmers, there is a possibility that some traders who are acting as consolidators would be interested in buying their surplus crops no matter how small the volumes are, for as long as the consolidators could buy the other volumes of the same crops that are harvested by other rural farmers in the same general area. That is assuming of course that the consolidators would know where to look, and who to contact. That is the reason why a Small Harvests Integrated Promotion System (SHIPS) is needed. Generally speaking, it is often difficult for rural farmers with small harvests to sell online, because their volumes are too small for them to be accepted into the usual online shopping platforms. That's one reason, and the other reason is that the rural farmers could not usually afford to pay for the huge entry fees that are imposed by the other shopping platforms. That is where SHIPS could come in to help. Although I am still building SHIPS together with a top developer, my intention is to make it a free mobile app for all merchants big and small, meaning that no one has to pay for entry fees. Not only that, the convenience fees that will be collected by SHIPS will be very much lower, compared to the other shopping platforms. I am hoping that the lower fees would not only help the merchants to earn more money, it could also help the consumers because the selling prices could go lower. It could be the same story in the case of the urban gardeners, except that the buyers in the cities could be the direct consumers who are looking for fresh vegetables that they could buy from a nearby neighbor. By using SHIPS, the owners and operators of hotels and restaurants could also buy fresh produce that are either naturally grown or organically grown. As a matter of fact, these customers could order what they want, and the urban gardeners could grow it. IKE SENERES/07-10-2024


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