Wednesday, August 07, 2024


DRINKING WATER FROM THE FLOODS Perhaps you have heard the quotation "Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink?" According to Copilot, "the phrase originates from Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In this poem, a sailor recounts his experiences during a sea voyage. The line reflects the irony of being surrounded by water (in the vast ocean) but unable to benefit from it due to its undrinkable nature. It’s a powerful reminder of how abundance doesn’t always lead to fulfillment". I think that we could all sympathize with that ancient mariner every time that there is a flood, because we are surrounded by water, and yet we could not even drink a drop of it. That really sounds ironic, but how much more ironic could it be, if we are hit by droughts, and yet we are surrounded by sea water, being in an archipelago? Could it be that an abundance of flood water and sea water could actually be the solution to our water shortages? In reality, flood water could actually be an asset or an opportunity if only we could collect it and convert it into clean water. Of course, having a better drainage system could help in bringing the flood waters to the lakes, rivers and the seas, but what is even better is to bring those waters to ponds and reservoirs where they could be converted info safe drinking water. In theory, floods should not even happen if only the water volume from the rainfall could go to their natural destinations such as the lakes, rivers and the seas, but the lack of a proper drainage system has prevented that, a problem that has been compounded by the fact that the drainage systems were blocked by the accumulation of two much garbage. These are two problems that do not really require rocket science to solve. The solution is to expand the drainage systems, and to prevent the accumulation of garbage. Simple as those problems might be, perhaps it is about time that the government bring in the scientists and inventors who might be able to work with the technocrats who might be having a hard time in bringing in the solutions. I know for a fact that satellite data and drone data could be used to find out where the water flows, and where they could be directed. IKE SENERES/08-08-2024


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