Permanent Burial in Public Cemeteries: A Call for Reform
Permanent Burial in Public Cemeteries: A Call for Reform
The sanctity of burial is a profound cultural and moral cornerstone, reflecting respect for the deceased and empathy for grieving families. Yet, in some localities, the practice of imposing temporary graves with rental periods threatens this fundamental principle. The case of the Barangka Public Cemetery in Marikina, where hundreds of human remains were exhumed and discarded after rental periods lapsed, underscores the urgent need for legislative reform.
A Law for Permanent Burial
A national law ensuring the permanent burial of human remains in public cemeteries is vital. This law should prohibit local government units (LGUs) from mandating rental periods for graves, safeguarding against the indignity of exhumation due to financial constraints. Once remains are interred, they should remain undisturbed unless a court order or family consent is obtained.
The removal of remains for financial, political, or other reasons is unacceptable. Such practices disproportionately affect the economically disadvantaged, perpetuating the social divide between rich and poor even in death.
LGU Responsibility and Accountability
The responsibility for maintaining public cemeteries lies with LGUs, specifically mayors and city councils. Their accountability should include supervision of cemetery personnel and ensuring compliance with burial laws. Violations, such as unauthorized exhumations, must be met with strict penalties. Recent incidents in Marikina highlight the potential for abuse when oversight is lax, underscoring the importance of a clear chain of command and rigorous monitoring mechanisms.
Addressing Space Constraints
To address the perennial issue of cemetery congestion, LGUs should invest in constructing public columbaries. These facilities, which store cremated remains, offer a space-efficient alternative to traditional burial plots. Moreover, integrating modern urban planning practices into cemetery design can help maximize available land while preserving the dignity of interments.
Respect for Human Rights in Death
Respecting human rights should extend beyond life to encompass the dignity of individuals in death. Families, regardless of economic status, deserve assurance that their loved ones' remains will be treated with respect and permanence.
Proactive Measures for Reform
The government should prioritize the following measures:
1. Legislation: Enact a law mandating permanent burial rights in public cemeteries and prohibiting temporary rental arrangements.
2. Columbaries and Modern Facilities: Encourage LGUs to build columbaries and adopt sustainable cemetery management practices.
3. Monitoring and Enforcement: Establish mechanisms for regular monitoring and swift penalties for violations, including desecration or unauthorized exhumations.
4. Public Awareness: Launch campaigns to educate the public about their burial rights and options.
The tragic case of Barangka Cemetery serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of neglecting the sanctity of burial. A comprehensive legal framework is urgently needed to ensure that no family faces the heartbreak of exhumation due to financial constraints or administrative lapses. Through decisive action, we can uphold the dignity of human remains and honor the rights of all citizens, even in death.
Ramon Ike V. Seneres,, 09088877282,
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