In the past, we destroyed our forests in order to build our cities. Fast forward to the present times, we have barren mountains around us, and we have global warming all over us. Even if many people actually believe that we could still bring back the trees but not the forests, I believe otherwise because there is now a science that we call reforestation.
Other than that, I also believe that wherever there are still some surviving forests here and there, we could also build new cities without destroying the majority of the trees, just cutting enough to build small homes here and there, just enough to build small communities for the settlers who will make a living for themselves, as well as to take care of the forests.
In other countries, the foreign governments would hire professional rangers to watch and care for their forests, which is really a smart thing to do. Perhaps we can do that here too. In some cases, the forest rangers that they hire are the indigenous people who are already living there. Again, that is really a smart thing to do, because these people have been watching and caring for the forests for a long time already.
And if we plant more trees in our cities, we could make the local temperatures become cooler, even if we are still too far away from solving the problem of global warming. What is even better is if we could plant more fruit trees, so that it could also contribute to our food security. That could also include high value trees like coffee. IKE SENERES/09088877282/1-18-24
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