Sunday, April 07, 2024


JUST ANOTHER WAY TO PAY YOUR TAXES If you pay your taxes in the usual manner, the money will go directly to the National Treasury and from there, the Congress will decide how and where it will be spent. But if you donate your money to a local government unit with a tax credit scheme, your taxes will go directly to a project of your choice, to a locality of your choice. Same obligation, same money. The only difference is that you and only you can decide where your money should go, and for what project. We all complain about graft in the government, amid reports that about a third of the national budget is eaten up by graft and corruption. Being the ones who contribute money to the government by way of mandatory taxes, we can usually do nothing except to complain how it is stolen by some government officials, and how it is not being spent the way we want to. While we also complain about many shortcomings in law enforcement, we also note that our uniformed services are also always lacking in money to spend for vehicles, weapons and other equipment that could make the do their jobs better. That is the reason why I am encouraging individual and corporate taxpayers to donate directly to law enforcement agencies such as the PNP, the NBI, the BOC and the PCG, in cash or in kind. If any individual or corporate taxpayer would like to try this other approach of paying your taxes, please let me know via email . IKE SENERES/04-08-2024


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