Tuesday, May 21, 2024


LET’S SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL ON WHEELS There is an expression that if the mountain will not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain. The expression is used when some people believe that they can approach something which cannot approach them. Perhaps that is the belief that inspired Dr. Jim Sanchez to organize the Hospital on Wheels (HOW) project, so that he could bring the hospital to patients in distant locations, meaning those patients who could not come to the hospital, because of one reason or another. Since it was launched in 2007, HOW has already dispatched 404 medical missions that are often coupled with surgical, dental and optical services as well. But unlike the usual stationary hospitals, all services of HOW are 100% FREE. To my surprise, Dr. Sanchez told me that their services are 100% PRIVATELY funded, with not a single centavo coming from government sources. Unlike other medical missions that provide medical services that do not completely heal the patients, the surgical patients of HOW are completely healed, without any need for follow up treatments. To add to that, the results of the surgeries conducted by HOW are mostly life changing, sometimes as if the patients are given a new leash in life. If you want to volunteer or donate to HOW, please contact me at 09088877282 or email me at iseneres@yahoo.com. IKE SENERES/05-22-2024


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