Friday, June 14, 2024


RECYCLING VERSUS UPCYCLING What is the difference between recycling and upcycling? It seems that not too many people know the difference between the two. It would also seem that the government has not come out with an official differentiation either. In the absence of that, please allow me to offer my own definitions. Although my definitions might sound like common knowledge, let me just bring it out for the record, for whatever purpose it might serve. I think that recycling should mean the reuse of a recyclable material back to the same purpose. For example, a used plastic packaging could be recycled into another form or shape of plastic packaging, or even the same form or shape. Another example is to recycle aluminum cans back to aluminum cans again, also for packaging purposes. On the other hand, I think that upcycling should mean turning a used material into another useful product that is completely different from its original design or purpose. For example, used plastic packaging could be upcycled into plastic chairs, plastic hangers or plastic roofing materials. As another example, used aluminum cans could be turned into auto parts and housing components. To be consistent with the mantra of "reduce, reuse, recycle", let us just say that upcycling is the fulfillment of our desires to "reuse". But better still, why don't we improve the mantra by adding a fourth activity, so that it would now read as "reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose"? I think that repurposing would open the door to more upcycling initiatives. We should now make it our goal to produce more upcycled products in order to support our other sustainable development goals, such as social housing and school chairs for public schools. Many upcycled materials could also be used for food production and food processing. As they say, "if there is a will, there is a way". Let me know how I can help. IKE SENERES/6-15-2024


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