Saturday, June 08, 2024


EXPANDING THE NATIONAL COLD CHAIN NETWORK Somehow, there appears to be a cold chain network here and there, but it does not appear to be extensive enough to meet the needs of the logistics industry that is servicing the food and drugs sectors. Contrary to the common belief that the cold chain is only for the food sector, it is also needed by the drugs sector. My idea of a National Cold Chain Network (NCCN) is like that of the Internet, which is a “network of networks”, meaning that it is an aggregate network of many subsidiary networks. That is the reason why in theory, the Internet could not be destroyed as a whole, or it could not totally malfunction, because many of its parts will still function, even if some of its parts are already disabled. Mr. Jorge Malig is a businessman who builds cold storage warehouses using container vans and prefabricated materials. He uses a blast-in-freeze (BIF) technology that was developed by the late Filipino genius inventor Hernando B. Decena. As fresh foods are blast frozen in the warehouse, these are kept fresh as these are transported in reefer vans also built by Mr. Malig. I believe that all LGUs should have their own cold storage warehouses that should use the BIF method. The good news is, there are already many reefer vans that could be integrated to form an expanded NCCN. IKE SENERES/09088877282/06-09-2024


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