Friday, February 23, 2024


There is supposed to be a law that requires manufacturers and importers to place distributor information in all their retail packaging, but it seems that too many companies are getting away with not doing it, and as a result, it looks like there is a free-for-all out there in the retail markets, where anybody could just sell anything, and the consumers would not have a way of knowing where to go and what to do if they have some complaints. The way it looks now, it seems that nobody really knows and nobody really cares whether these laws are being enforced or not. I do care however, and I am sure there are thousands if not millions of other consumers who would care, if only they would know what to do and where to go, in case that they have complaints. I am also sure that there are many who care to know the country of origin of the retail products, and of course they would want to know which products are locally made in case they want to patronize our own local products. Of course, they also want to know whether these products are approved by the FDA, but that information is not always available. And by the way, this lack of enforcement could also make it easy for both smugglers and fakers to bring their goods into the retail markets without detection. And so, who is responsible for solving this problem? Is it the BOC? Or the DTI? I think that the retailers should also do something. IKE SENERES/2-24-2024


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